
The Grass is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank

Erma Bombeck was right! Things over the fence in your neighbor's life may look great, but what is it really sitting over? Be careful in trying to "keep up with the Jones-es." You really don't know what it is that is making their life look so fertile and green from a distance. Many a wealthy man has a ton of debt. Lot's of those high achievers never have a meal at home with the family they are doing "it" all for.  Bloom where you are planted and seek to grow, but be careful in what you long for or covet in the life of your neighbor. The  price of a greener lawn can often really stink.


If Something Is Worth Doing It Is Worth Doing Poorly

Would you trade your iPhone 4 for the aBell 1? (Yes kids, it was  Alexander Graham Bell not Steve Jobs that launched this whole thing) You might if you have the same carrier that some of my friends have, but consider this. Did Steve Jobs invent a great phone or simply advance the cause of the first poor one? You get the point. Many students, salesmen, and business leaders are waiting until they can do it "right" before they do it at all.  The first phone, plane and auto were not great, but they were ahead of their time. Innovative. And a start. Take on that new project now and simply do it to the best of your ability. It won't be as good as it can be, but it will begin. It is in the best of now that we create the basis for the perfecting of things tomorrow. It is good to do things as best you can, but  don't let the paralysis of analysis keep you from creating that next great poor first something!


No Adds Value to Your Yes

If you are one of those people that just feels like you have to say yes to everything and everyone, stop! Anyone who says yes to every request in their life isn't going to do a job worth a flip. Why? Because no one can do it all. Perfection is not being perfect. Perfection is a normal balanced life. Remember those? You don't have to chair every committee, volunteer for every charity and end up with no boundaries and no margin in your life. Choose what you say yes to carefully and then give your best effort to it. Add value to your yes by learning to say no.


I Love Humanity, It's People I Can't Stand

Many a recluse or flat out angry man can still be philanthropic. It is great when you can embrace the entire spectrum of humanity in a sense of benevolence and concern, but how are you with the individuals you know, live and work with? The problem with loving mankind is that eventually it boils down to people ... individuals. You have to engage with humanity one person at a time. Often you will not do for one person what you cannot do for all, but stop and reconsider that it just might be that if each one of us would reach one, we would touch all humanity one person at a time.  After all, you are people too!


If you are in a hurry, take your time!

Every carpenter knows to measure twice, cut once. At work, school and home; the quickest way to mess up and lose time is to rush. No one can just poke around. That never gets anything done, but be careful to not get in such a hurry that you mess up and have to start all over ... that won't get it done on time either. Slow down and think it through. Do you have all the resources you need to do it right? If it is a good idea today it will be a good idea tomorrow. Don't let opportunity pass you by, but don't trip over it either.


You wouldn't worry what others think about you if you realized how seldom they do!

How much of your life is eaten up with the worry of what others are thinking and saying about you? Don't flatter yourself. Relax. Others are way to busy worrying about what others are thinking about them to have time to focus on you. Most of the fear and energy we spend on worry is wasted by somehow thinking we must be at the center of the thoughts of others. The ones that think of you the most are the ones that love you and they are the only ones that really matter. You can worry or pray, but you cannot do both.