

You can study, observe and even agree with the information and facts of nutrition, fitness and training. You can even go to the gym and watch others apply that information, but until you personally apply those truths in your life, you will never see any transformation in your life. What is true in fitness is true in salvation and spiritual growth, financial management and any other area you want to grow in. Many a man or woman headed to hell agreed with the truths of the Bible, they simply did not act upon them. James said that even the devil acknowledges the facts of scripture. Most companies and individuals that go bankrupt were aware of the truth that income must be greater than out flow. Knowledge is good, but truth simply agreed upon and not acted upon is nothing more than information. Information without application will never bring transformation. Jesus put is this way, "whosoever believes IN Him should not perish." There is an eternity of difference between believing and believing in. Do the math. I+A=T Only information with application will ever bring transformation.


Puppy love is real to the puppy!

Parents often blow off the heart break and emotional ups and downs of adolescent crushes. While overreacting is never smart, neither is under-reacting. While you may have the advantage of years of experience and true love insight, realize that "puppy love" is real to the puppy. Use these young relationships as opportunities for you to demonstrate your love, concern and  open ear to your kids. These are teachable moments about how to deal with honest confrontation, communication and moving on. Show "dog-gone" good judgement in how you react, and they will learn how to not let bad relationships dog them for the rest of their lives.