
We all live this side of Genesis 3

Thanks Greg for  recently sharing a profoundly "unobviously-obvious" observation  with me. We all live this side of Genesis 3! Jesus pointed out that "in the beginning it was not so." In the Sermon on the Mount He shared many examples of "you have heard it said, but I say." So what was it like in the beginning? Prior to Genesis 3, and the entrance of sin into the world it was, well, perfect. But you and I (all of us) live on this side of perfection. This side of Genesis 3. To that end Jesus pointed out in his ministry launch hillside sermon that the religious leaders had gone out of their way to tell others how good they were because they did not commit  adultery, murder and more. Jesus, on the other hand, pointed out that everyone is guilty of anger, lust and greed. Ever murdered someone? You need grace. Ever been angry at someone? You need grace.This was more than a higher standard of behavior to strive for, it was a standard that no one can meet putting everyone in need of grace no matter what they have NOT done. So here we are.  In need of grace everyday. Imperfect with no grounds to feel smug or righteous. Able to accept and share the truth of John 3 that we all live on this side of Genesis 3!


If you don't make the right choice, make the choice right

Ever make a mistake? Sure you have. Everyone has. So now what? Well, if you didn't make a right choice, now is the time to make the choice right. You may need to confess, repent, restore, forgive or more. But do so and move on and move forward seeking to make  right anything you did wrong or to move on from wrong things done to you. You cannot change the past, but you can  change the future with new and better choices now. Don't live in the past, but do learn from it.