
Please make sure to secure your own mask before assisting others.

     The flight attendant always tells you that in case of a drop in cabin pressure to calmly take the yellow  mask when it drops down in front of you and put your's on first before assisting others. Oh yeah, and breath normal! What makes sense in an emergency makes sense every day. There is nothing wrong with caring for others and we are taught at an early age to live a selfless life, but taking care of yourself is one of the most selfless things you can do. What good are you to those around you if you black out first?
     One of the greatest things a husband can do to care for his wife is to care for his own health while young so as to be around later to care for her. One of the most selfless things a retiree can do is save enough money for themselves so as to not be a burden financially on their kids later.  Put others first by not neglecting yourself.  Don't care for others to the point you have nothing left for them or you.  In the end everyone will have a better flight!

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